Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Should Bush build the Cobalt Bomb?

President Bush has been called the Antichrist.

Well, it's time for him to prove it.

Any REAL Antichrist wouldn't settle for mere Hydrogen bombs----If he were the real thing, he'd build the frikkin'

I mean, any true Antichrist just wouldn't settle
for anything less, right?

I say, if Bush wants to keep his reputation from being trivialized by favoring tiny, dainty, candy-ass widdle "bunker-buster" atom
bomblets, he'd better get crackin' on the REAL big one----The Cobalt Bomb, baby!






At 8:54 PM, Blogger Da Manijment said...

Here is the link for my Public Education-related blog, if you're interested:


At 8:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now, the U.A.E. is "backing out" of the deal.

How handy!

Dubya doesn't lose face, and a political debacle is
smoothed over.

I wonder how many Billion$ U.A.E. gets under the table, esentially for covering up for Bu$hCo?

Corporatist-Quasi-fascists---Don't ya' just love 'em?

I don't know about YOU, but they really make MY day!

At 12:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me like 'em big boom!


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